Iran: Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict could turn into regional war

Hassan Rouhani

07 Oct 2020; MEMO: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani yesterday warned that the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia could become a regional war.

“We must be attentive that the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan does not become a regional war. Peace is the basis of our work and we hope to restore stability to the region in a peaceful way,” Rouhani said in a televised address, adding that the parties to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh must recognise peoples’ rights and respect territorial integrity.

The Iranian president has reiterated his country’s rejection of rockets falling in Iran and stressed that Iran’s security is a “priority”.

“Azerbaijan is a sister country and Armenia is our neighbour, and we call on them to beware of any shells falling inside Iranian territory,” he said.

Tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan have spiralled in recent weeks due to renewed border clashes over the region occupied by Armenia, in which both Azeri and Armenian forces have conducted attacks on military positions and civilian areas. The clashes prompted Azerbaijan to declare a state of war in some of its cities and areas near the border on 27 September.