Kurds U-Turn to Syrian government sign of US ruined plan

Moscow, Dec 30, IRNA - The head of the Russian-Arab States Friendship Association and senior Russian diplomat believes that the Syrian Kurds' U-turn to the Syrian government and the control of the Syrian army over Manbij is sign of the US ruined plan in this country.

Viacheslav Matozov in an interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) on Sunday, added, 'The United States was trying to create a government-like organization with the use of the Syrian Kurds, and spent hundreds of millions of dollars on it.'

Stating that the United States was not able to implement its plans in Syria under the new conditions, said Trump, in light of this situation, called for the withdrawal of American forces from Syria.

Head of the Russian-Arab States Friendship Association, saying that the Syrian army's control over Manbij city was a nightmare for the United States, noted, 'Damascus is ready to control other areas of the Kurdish region and restore its sovereignty'.

'The Kurds have realized that their real interests are in keeping with the Syrian government and working with it to prevent the invasion of the Turkish army, and the promises of the US are hollow and baseless,' Matozov said.

'These actions are in line with the political settlement process of Syria's issues, and the prospect of furthering this process has been provided within the context of Astana peace talks and Geneva,' he said.