Iran urges responsible nations to stand for Nuke-Free-World

 Hiroshima after atomic bomb

Tehran, Sept 26, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that the Israeli stockpiles of nuclear warheads posed the biggest threat to peace and security, urging the responsible nations to stand for nuke-free-world.

"The International Day for the Total Elimination of #NuclearWeapons, provides an opportunity for the int'l community to re-emphasize on its commitment to nuke disarmament as a priority," Foreign Ministry wrote in its Twitter account on Saturday.

"We believe in a peaceful & secure world, with no state possessing weapons of mass destruction," it added.

"The Int'l Day for the total elimination of #NuclearWeapons is an opportunity to re-express our total rejection of all kinds of WMDs."

"Unfortunately, the U.S. regime’s disregard for int’l treaties & its plans to produce new nukes, has brought the world closer to a new arms race," foreign ministry noted.

"Also in our region, the Israeli stockpiles nukes remains the biggest threat to peace & security & - supported by the U.S. – prevents the ME to become a NWFZ." It reiterated: "Responsible nations should stand for a Nuke-Free-World."

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei  earlier said: "We oppose nuclear weapons, and we have issued a religious Fatwa (verdict) prohibiting manufacture of nuclear weapons. But rest assured that if we wanted to manufacture nuclear weapons, the US would not be able to do anything about it, and the United States' prohibition would not be an obstacle."