Iran Shura Council approves ‘urgent' anti-Israel bill

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13 May 2020; MEMO: The Iranian Shura Council yesterday approved an “urgent bill” aimed at confronting Israeli practices and preserving Palestinians rights, IRNA news agency reported.

According to the agency, the council unanimously voted in favour of the bill which includes 14 articles.

The head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, Mojtaba Zonnour, said labelling the bill as “very urgent” allows the Shura Council to vote on it as early as next week.

Zonnour explained that passing the bill this early aims to thwart Israel’s attempts to take advantage of the current regional and global conditions to harm the Iranian national interests.

The bill affirms that the “historical and integrated land of Palestine belongs to the original Palestinian peoples, including Muslims, Christians and Jews” and obliges Iran to treat Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Palestine.

According to the bill, the Foreign Ministry should make arrangements within six months of passing the bill to establish a “consulate or virtual embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Capital of Jerusalem in Palestine”.

Moreover, the bill imposes severe penalties on any form of collaboration, negotiations, political agreements or exchange of information with official and unofficial Israeli entities.