Zarif says U.S. squeezes Iran by sanctions


TEHRAN, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday slammed what he called U.S. "medical terrorism" against the Islamic Republic.

The U.S. President "Donald Trump is maliciously tightening U.S.' illegal sanctions with the aim of draining Iran's resources needed in the fight against COVID-19 while our citizens are dying from it," Zarif tweeted on Saturday.

"The world can no longer be silent as U.S. Economic Terrorism is supplanted by its Medical Terrorism," he added.

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Thursday that "conditions created as a result of novel coronavirus in Iran have made clear the negative impacts of U.S. sanctions on vulnerable strata of Iranian society."

Iran's Foreign Mimistry has also dismissed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's help offer over novel coronavirus outbreak as "hypocritical and deceitful propaganda."