Brazilian government announces new regional development minister

Rogerio Marinho

RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said Thursday Rogerio Marinho will replace Gustavo Canuto as regional development minister.

Marinho previously served as secretary of labor and social security at the Ministry of Economy.

"I am sure he will do a brilliant job and will continue Canuto's work," said Bolsonaro in his weekly live stream video on social media.

Canuto will preside over Dataprev, a state-owned company which manages data processing for the social security system.

Marinho majored in economics and was a federal representative from Rio Grande do Norte state, in northeastern Brazil.

The Regional Development Ministry, created by Bolsonaro last year, is in charge of some major governmental initiatives such as popular housing program Minha Casa Minha Vida (My House, My Life), as well as actions related to water infrastructure, civil defense services, and integration of urban infrastructure projects.

It was the fifth cabinet shift in 13 months under the Bolsonaro's government.