60 Dead As Train Hits Crowd Watching Ravan-Burning In Punjab

AMRITSAR; 20 Oct 2018: GANASHAKTI:  60 people were killed and several injured after two trains speeding in opposite directions mowed down people standing on the tracks near a railway crossing watching a Ravan effigy being burnt at a Dussehra celebration near Amritsar on Friday.

There were at least 300 spectators at the Dhobi Ghat ground, barely 2 km from the Amritsar station. Many of them stood on the tracks close to the Jaura Phatak crossing to get a better view and were taking videos of the burning Ravan as the first of the trains, 74643 Jalandhar-Amritsar DMU, ran them over. The second train, the 13006 Amritsar-Howrah Express, sped past seconds later and some of those who had jumped on the second set of tracks to escape the first were caught under it.

Railway Board chairman Ashwani Lohani rushed to the spot while the state government announced an ex-gratia payment of Rs 5 lakh as compensation to the next of kin of those who were killed. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on the other hand, announced a compensation of Rs 2 lakh for the family of the dead and Rs 50,000 for the injured. He also directed officials to provide immediate assistance.

The state government has also declared Saturday a day of mourning in the state. Offices and educational institutions will remain shut. Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, who was scheduled to visit Israel, will fly to Amritsar on Saturday morning.