Habib Jemli assigned to form Tunisian gov't

Kais Saied shakes hands with Habib Jemli

TUNIS, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- President Kais Saied officially approved Habib Jemli on Friday to form the new government, according to a statement by the Tunisian presidency.

Jemli was the candidate of Tunisia's Islamist party Ennahdha, the party that won the parliamentary elections on Oct. 6, 2019.

The future prime minister should form his government within a period not exceeding one month from Friday in accordance with the constitution.

An agronomist, Jemli was born on March 28, 1959 in Kairouan, a province of central Tunisia. He is married and has four children.

Between 2011 and 2014, Jemli held the position of Secretary of State for Agriculture as an independent in the two governments of Hamadi Jebali and Ali Larayedh, of Ennahdha party.

In his CV, he states that he has "no political affiliation."

Ennahdha (Renaissance) came in the lead in Tunisian parliamentary elections by winning 52 out of a total 217 seats in the new Assembly of People's Representatives (parliament), followed by the Heart of Tunisia party with 38 seats.