US Department of Commerce to introduce sanctions against 12 Russian companies

WASHINGTON, September 25. /TASS/. The US Department of Commerce decided to impose restrictions on 12 Russian companies, which, in Washington's view, are at odds with the interests of the national security of the United States.

The relevant notice was published on Tuesday in the Federal Register. The date when restrictions are to come into force is not indicated.

The black list includes such companies as Aerocomposite, Divetechnoservice , the Gamma research and production enterprise, the Vektor Research Institute, Nilco Group, Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise Technologiya, the Okeanos Scientific and Production Enterprise, Aviadvigatel (developer and builder of aircraft engines), Infotech Group (developer of IT solutions for electric grid companies), Syrus Systems, Voronezh-based research institute Vega and the high-precision instrument engineering corporation.

For all these companies, the so-called presumption of export refusal: American companies are not allowed to export their dual-use products to these Russian companies.

According to Washington, these companies, as well as their affiliates in Iran and Belarus, are at odds with the interests of the national security and foreign policy of the United States. In particular, according to the US authorities, the Vector Research Institute, Gamma research and production enterprise, Syrus Systems and the Infotech Group contributed to the activities of malicious Russian actors in cyberspace.

As for Divetechnoservice and the Okeanos Scientific and Production Enterprise - these two companies have been blacklisted for delivering equipment and rendering support to the Russian Navy. The rest of the companies were blacklisted for supporting the Russian military aerospace industry.