Iranian president promises response to any subversive act in Persian Gulf

UNITED NATIONS, September 25. /TASS/. Iran is prepared to react to any subversive actions by other countries in the Persian Gulf and in the Strait of Hormuz, President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday at the opening of the high-level general political discussion at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly.

He said Iran had always attached significance to security of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz. "Like we did during the war imposed on us by Iraq, we’ll respond to any subversive acts in that vital waterway in the future, too," he said.

Rouhani proposed the establishing of a mechanism that would guarantee collective security in the Gulf and would embrace all the regional states.

"We espouse a peaceful outlook of the political and international issues and we don’t crave a war with any other country," he said. "Iran doesn’t need an empire. Iran already is an empire from the civilizational and cultural point of view, not in terms of political domination."

Rouhani said his country would continue defending the world against violence.

At the same time, the Iranian leader accused the United States of trying to make all international institutions inefficient.

"The present US administration wants to make all international institutions inefficient. It acts in breach of international laws," he said, adding that Washington "is not even trying to conceal its plans to topple the [Iranian] government, which they at the same time invite to talks."

"The United States has been violating all norms of the international law. And the same administration invites Iran to engage in negotiations. They are not even ready to listen to their own experts and violate all decisions made by the previous administrations," the Iranian leader continued.

Rouhani added that the dialogue on Iran’s nuclear program "should proceed within the framework of JCPOA [the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear program] and UN resolutions."

"The unlawful sanctions [against Iran] are a form of terrorism," he continued. "Such actions put the global peace at risk."

Rouhani reiterated his stance that "the beginning of dialogue [with the United States] will be possible when threats stop and all sanctions, which violate the ethics and principles of the international law, are lifted."

Iranian nuclear deal

Rouhani called on the United States to return to negotiations within the framework of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program and UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

"The negotiations should proceed within the framework of JCPOA and UN Security Council Resolution 2231," Rouhani said. "I suggest launching the dialogue right here. International security is not a toy in the US hands. The UN is not a part of the US administration."

"Iran’s stance is clear: no war, no sanctions, no threats, no intimidation - only observing the law and fulfilling obligations," the Iranian leader continued. "The Islamic Republic of Iran’s approach to international security is based on multilateralism and recognition of principles of the international law."

"The United States, on its part, has been inciting other nations to violate the nuclear deal," he added. "And, which is more dangerous, the United States has been threatening all nations and international organizations for their determination to fulfill the resolution. For the first time in the history of the UN, such a broad incitement to violate the law goes together with threats against those who follow the rules. We highly appreciate the efforts of the international community, the European Union, Russia and China to preserve the JCPOA."

Syrian settlement

The Iranian president said Iran, Russia and Turkey have achieved success in the Syrian settlement within the framework of the Astana format. 

"Iran, Russia and Turkey, jointly with the Syrian side, have achieved success in Syrian reconciliation thanks to the Astana process. In the beginning of this month (on September 7), a top-level meeting was held in Tehran. Thanks to this joint effort, the escalation of bloodshed in Idlib was prevented," Rouhani said.

The Iranian leader said that from the very beginning of the Syrian crisis, his country has warned "that the problem can be solved only through an intra-Syrian dialogue" and cautioned about negative effects "of any foreign interference into Syria’s domestic affairs, the use of illegal means to put pressure on the government, including support of terrorists."

"Iranian military advisers in Syria were sent there on a request from the Syrian government and in line with the norms of the international law," he added. "Their task is to assist the Syrian government in the fight against terrorism."