Iran, Turkmenistan sign documents on economic cooperation

Tehran, Oct 5, IRNA – Iran and Turkmenistan signed various documents on economic cooperation on the sidelines of Iran-Turkmenistan 15th joint commission convened in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

According to Azeri 'Caspian News' website, Iran and Turkmenistan are willing to develop economic cooperation including construction of roads and transport.

During the 15th joint Economic Commission convened in Ashgabat, various topics related to transportation, telecommunications, economic cooperation, trade, fuel, energy, industries and mines, science and culture were discussed.

The Iranian delegation led by deputy minister of Roads and Urban Development Shahram Adam Nejad co-chaired Tehran-Ashgabat Economic Commission.

Earlier, Iranian President Hasan Rouhani extended congratulations to his Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence.

The message said that two countries' relations have always been based on friendly cooperation, mutual respect as well as the advantage of the neighborhood.

He expressed hope that cooperation and friendship would expand in diverse areas in the future between the two countries.

Iran is the third most important trade partner of Turkmenistan.

Iran and Turkmenistan have mainly focused on transportation, transit, road construction, electricity and gas in economic cooperation.