Saudi king’s bodyguard killed in Jeddah

Major General Abdulaziz al-Fagham

29 Sep 2019; MEMO: The personal bodyguard of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has been killed, according to local media on Sunday.

State-run Al Ekhbariya TV reported that Major General Abdulaziz al-Fagham was shot during a personal dispute in Jeddah. Al-Fagham was killed in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, where the government relocates for the summer months, the broadcaster said. It did not say when the incident occurred or where exactly it took place.

A police spokesman for the Makkah province confirmed the killing, saying the bodyguard was shot after a verbal argument with a friend during a visit to his house, according to the official SPA news agency.

The gunman was shot dead by security forces after he refused to surrender, the spokesman said.

Five members of the security forces were injured in the incident.

Al-Fagham had served as the personal bodyguard of late King Abdullah, who died in 2015.

“May you rest in peace, hero …” senior Royal Court advisor Turki al-Sheikh tweeted.