Prominent Saudi opposition figure says a revolt is waiting to happen

 Saad Al-Faqih

22 July 2019; MEMO: A prominent opposition figure in Saudi Arabia has said that citizens across society in the Kingdom have been angry ever since Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman became the de facto ruler, Al-Khaleej Online has reported.

“There is no segment in Saudi society today which is not angry because of Bin Salman’s policies,” explained the head of the Movement for Islamic Reform, [. “He no longer respects any Sheikh, tribal leader, intellectual or academic.”

In an exclusive interview with the news site, Al-Faqih claimed that the Crown Prince is “thirsty for power” and “would do anything and crush anyone” who stands in his way. “The situation in Saudi Arabia could explode at any moment,” he added.

The opposition leader painted two scenarios which could result in a revolt against the ruling family. “The first would be that regional events escalate, leading to a war with Iran, while losses increase in the war in Yemen leading to the collapse of power and giving people the cover to start a revolution.”

According to the London-based Saudi dissident, the second scenario would see domestic anger and tension turn into a revolution which would not be peaceful like the Arab Spring revolutions. “Everyone who believes in peaceful action has been suppressed, imprisoned or displaced,” he pointed out. “Our people are armed and believe they can extract their rights from those who wrong them by force.”