Pakistan rejects biased assertions of US Religious Freedom Report

Ministry of foreign affairs.

ISLAMABAD, Jun 28 (APP): Pakistan on Friday rejected a report of the U.S. Department of State on International Religious Freedom and said the report’s segment on Pakistan was a compendium of unsubstantiated and biased assertions.

As a matter of principle, Pakistan does not support such national reports making observations on the internal affairs of sovereign States. Pakistan, therefore, rejects these observations, the Foreign Office in a statement issued here said.

Pakistan is a multi-religious, multi-cultural and pluralistic society where people of different faiths are living together, the statement said, adding that their contributions to the society add to its richness and diversity and their rights are guaranteed under the Constitution of Pakistan.

These constitutional guarantees are underwritten by a vigilant judiciary that has demonstrated resolve to protect the fundamental rights – including religious freedoms – in recent high profile cases, the statement said.