Indonesia: Russia agrees with Gaza resolutions from Arab-Islamic Summit, says Indonesian FM

Retno Marsudi

JAKARTA, Nov 22 (NNN-Bernama) — Russia has agreed with the points of resolutions adopted during the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, specifically addressing the situation in Gaza, according to Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi.

This was due to a warm and open discussion on the Gaza issue between the special envoys of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on Tuesday.

Retno highlighted Russia’s welcoming stance towards the visit of OIC foreign ministers, following the joint summit held on Nov 11 to address the atrocities in Gaza and facilitate humanitarian aid.

Currently serving as one of the special envoys alongside ministers from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Turkiye, Nigeria and Palestine, Retno aims to initiate immediate international action on behalf of the OIC and the Arab League’s members.

During the meeting with Lavrov, the delegation emphasised the global recognition of the Gaza issue and the necessity for a fair stance.

“It is crucial to take action so that violence can be stopped, a ceasefire can be achieved, and humanitarian aid can be provided smoothly or unhindered.

“For this, support is needed from many countries, especially permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, including Russia,” she added.

Discussions also covered steps for a ‘two-state solution’, the potential organisation of an International Conference on Peace in Palestine, and Israel’s attacks on the Indonesian Hospital.

Retno stressed that OIC foreign ministers condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza, rejecting Israel’s justification of “self-defence” as unacceptable for occupiers like Israel, particularly when it involves killing civilians and attacking civilian facilities.

Regarding the lost contact with three Indonesian nationals in Gaza, she mentioned ongoing efforts to establish communication, especially with the Indonesian Hospital.

She explained that direct contact with the three Indonesian nationals working as volunteers at the hospital has been challenging, and information from various UN organisations and parties in Gaza remains minimal.

Retno, having spent four hours in Moscow, is currently in London with counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Palestine.

They are scheduled to meet with UK’s Foreign Secretary David Cameroon regarding Gaza before heading to Paris for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on the same issue.