Trump unaware that Iran not seeking nuclear weapons: Envoy

 Majid Takht Ravanchi

Tehran, May 10, IRNA - The Ambassador of Iran to the United Nations, Majid Takht Ravanchi, in response to US president's claim to negotiate with Iran for non-acquisition of nuclear weapons, said that Trump appears to be unaware of Iran's lack of interest in nuclear weapons.

In an exclusive interview with MSNBC News, Ambassador Takht Ravanchi dismissed statements from the Trump administration that Tehran posed a heightened danger to the US interests in the region.

Asked about Trump's comments, Iran's ambassador to the United Nations said Iran had been talking with the six powers, including the United States, within the framework of the nuclear deal.

'All of a sudden he decided to leave the negotiating table. ... What is the guarantee that he will not renege again?' Takht Ravanchi said.

He dismissed the US allegations of an Iranian threat as “fake intelligence”, and said they were “being produced by the same people who in the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq did the same'.

Takht Ravanchi disputed statements made by President Donald Trump while also describing the recent reports of a threat made by Iran as 'fake intelligence.

“He’s wrong about the facts, wrong about the law, and sadly he’s been wrong about how to use diplomacy to keep America safe,” the spokesman said. “We’d hope the president would focus on solving foreign policy problems for America instead of attacking his predecessors for theater.”

President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that Iran is not withdrawing from the nuclear deal, rather it is reducing its commitments to the deal and that JCPOA needs surgery.

The Iranian president said that the deal is in need of a surgery, so Iran is trying to save it, not kill it.

He made the remarks in his cabinet session on the first anniversary of the US unilateral withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

'We have never been the first to violate the commitments or to wage wars, but at the same time we have never surrendered to bullying and will not do so, and we will certainly give appropriate response to any kind aggression,' Rouhani said.

'Today we announced to the friendly countries and the five remaining signatories to the nuclear deal that we are ready for negotiations within the very framework of the JCPOA, neither a word more nor less,' he added.