
Brunei Sees 17 Percent Increase In Cancer Cases During 2014-2018

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Feb 5 (NNN-BB NEWS) – Cancer patients in Brunei have increased by 17 percent from 2014 to 2018, compared to the period of between 2009 to 2013, Health Minister, Haji Mohammad Isham, said.

According to the minister, on World Cancer Day, which fell on Tuesday (yesterday), about 644 nationals and permanent residents of Brunei Darussalam were diagnosed with cancer, and the number of cancer deaths in 2018 was 304.

M’sia sends first batch of 1 mln gloves to Wuhan

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 3 (NNN-BERNAMA) — Malaysia, which sent its first batch of one million medical gloves to Wuhan, China today, will be sending another million on Wednesday, Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok said.

The second batch will be sent through a MASkargo flight, following the first batch through an AirAsia flight commissioned by the government on Monday to bring back Malaysians from the 2019 novel coronavirus-hit city.

Hong Kong Medical Workers Strike To Demand Total Border Closure

HONG KONG, Feb 4 (NNN-AGENCIES) – Standing at the picket line, just 200 metres from her hospital entrance, Kaddy Chan wished she could report for duty as usual.

For weeks now, the outpatient nurse and her colleagues have been grappling with shrinking supplies of surgical masks and hazmat suits, avoiding trips outside the wards, so as to keep their protective gear free from contamination.

“If we don’t close the border, no amount of resources would be sufficient to deal with the onslaught of sick people,” said Chan.

Pakistan resumes flights from coronavirus-hit China

Islamabad, Feb 3 (PTI) Pakistan on Monday resumed flights from coronavirus-hit China after two planes from the country landed at the airport in Islamabad.

Pakistan had suspended flights from China till February 2 after the World Health Organisation declared the outbreak of the novel virus as a global health emergency.

Third coronavirus case reported from India

Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 3 (PTI): In the third novel coronavirus case reported in India, another Keralite student who returned from Wuhan university on Monday tested positive for the infection, Health Minister K K Shailaja said here on Monday.

The student is in an isolation ward at Kanhangad district hospital in Kasaragod district, she informed the state Assembly.

China has not yet accepted US help with coronavirus: White House adviser

WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (NNN-AGENCIES) — China has been more transparent about the coronavirus than it has been in previous crises but Beijing has not yet accepted a US offer of help to contain the epidemic, White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien said.

“So far the Chinese have been more transparent certainly than in past crises and we appreciate that,” O’Brien said in an interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

India reports second case of novel coronavirus

New Delhi, Feb 2 (PTI) India on Sunday reported a second case of novel coronavirus with a person from Kerala with a travel history to China testing positive, officials said.

"The patient has tested positive for novel coronavirus and is in isolation in a hospital," the health ministry said.

The patient is stable and is being closely monitored, it said.

India's first novel coronavirus case in India was also reported from Kerala with a student testing positive.

S declares virus 'emergency,' bans travelers from China

Washington, Feb 1 (AFP/PTI) The US said Friday it was declaring a public health emergency and temporarily banning the entry of foreign nationals who had traveled to China over the past two weeks to contain the spread of a deadly new virus.

Sweeping new restrictions will also be imposed on American citizens, with those returning from the province at the disease's epicenter placed in facilities for mandatory 14-day quarantines, said Health Secretary Alex Azar.

UN says Nigeria could lose more than a million children to pneumonia, India 2nd

PARIS, Jan 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — About 1.4 million children could die from pneumonia over the next decade in Nigeria, according to the UN.

The UN’s children agency Unicef has in its latest forecast said Nigeria could have the world’s highest amount of deaths caused by pneumonia.

Overall, Unicef said its forecast estimates 6.3 million children could die worldwide from pneumonia.

The UN estimates India will be the second worst place for childhood pneumonia deaths and the Democratic Republic of Congo could be the third worst.

Coronavirus declared global health emergency by WHO

GENEVA, Jan 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The new coronavirus has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization, as the outbreak continues to spread outside China.

“The main reason for this declaration is not what is happening in China but what is happening in other countries,” said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The concern is that it could spread to countries with weaker health systems.

The death toll now stands at 170 people in China.

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