Washington DC

Americans do not want to be 'complicit in the slaughter' of Palestinian children: Senator

27 March 2024; MEMO: Americans do not want to see Palestinian children killed in the Gaza Strip, Independent Senator, Bernie Sanders, said Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reports.

“The American people, in my view, no matter what your politics may be, do not want to be complicit in the slaughter of small kids who are bombed to death while they sleep.

Houthis carried out at least 50 attacks since November; Pentagon

22 March 2024; MEMO: The Houthis have carried out at least 50 attacks on ships off the coast of Yemen since November, a Pentagon official said yesterday.

“In the Red Sea, Ansar Allah [Houthis] are seeking to disrupt this vital route for global trade, carrying out at least 50 attacks” on ships since they began targeting ship in the region, Assistant Secretary of Defence for International Security Affairs, Celeste Wallander, said during a congressional hearing.

US tension with Israel shows as Blinken tours Middle East

20 March 2024; MEMO: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Saudi Arabia today at the start of a tour of the Middle East to try to secure a ceasefire in Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza war as increasing tension showed in Washington’s relationship with its ally Israel, Reuters has reported.

Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, praises ‘very valuable’ potential of Gaza’s ‘waterfront property’

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s former White House adviser and his son-in-law, praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the area.

Texas’ migrant arrest law is back on hold after briefly taking effect

McALLEN, Texas (AP) — Texas’ plans to arrest migrants suspected of entering the U.S. illegally were again on hold Wednesday after setting off uncertainty along the border and anger from Mexico flared during a brief few hours that the law was allowed to take effect.

US presses Hamas amid Gaza ceasefire talks

New York, IRNA – The United States is piling up pressure on the Palestinian resistance movement Hams to accept a temporary ceasefire with Israel, in yet another attempt to back the Zionist regime while talks in the Egyptian capital are underway to find ways to hammer out a deal.

US National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby said on Monday that Washington wants a temporary ceasefire in Gaza "as soon as possible" in order to free Israel captives held in Gaza, without mentioning Israel’s illegal detention and imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians.

US Vice President Harris calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza amid ongoing Israel war crimes

04 March 2024; MEMO: The United States’ Vice President, Kamala Harris, has called for an “immediate” ceasefire in Gaza, in the most direct and open condemnation by a senior member of the Biden administration of Israel’s war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

US airman dies after setting himself ablaze outside Israeli Embassy in Israel-Hamas war protest

WASHINGTON (AP) — An active-duty member of the U.S. Air Force has died after he set himself ablaze outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., while declaring that he “will no longer be complicit in genocide.”

The 25-year-old airman, Aaron Bushnell, of San Antonio, Texas, died from his injuries, the Metropolitan Police Department said Monday.

Israel is ready to halt its war in Gaza during Ramadan if a hostage deal is reached, Biden says

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — United States President Joe Biden said Israel would be willing to halt its war on Hamas in Gaza during the upcoming Muslim fasting month of Ramadan if a deal is reached to release some of the hostages held by the militants.

‘We should kill them all’ - US Congressman’s shocking comment on Gaz

21 February 2024; MEMO: Republican Representative Andy Ogles told activists who were calling for a ceasefire at Congress that “I think we should kill them all”, in reference to Palestinian children in Gaza.

The shocking response, experts have said, clearly indicates the extent of the United States’ responsibility for the crime of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

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