
Sudan parties reject normalisation with Israel

04 Feb 2023; MEMO: Many Sudanese parties have rejected the normalisation of ties between their country and Israel, Anadolu Agency reported on Friday.

This came following an announcement made by the Sudanese Foreign Ministry after a visit of Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen to Khartoum, stating: "It was agreed to go ahead with the normalisation of ties."

Sudan: court convicts Bashir's second wife of illicit self-enrichment

16 Jan 2023; MEMO: The Anti-Corruption Criminal Court in Sudan convicted Widad Babiker on Sunday of illegally amassing wealth. The second wife of ousted President Omar Al-Bashir was also stripped of her assets, including agricultural and residential land, properties and gold artefacts.

Interpol arrests people smuggling kingpin in Sudan

06 Jan 2023; MEMO: A notorious people smuggler known for his extremely brutal and harsh treatment of refugees was arrested in Sudan in an Interpol operation, the global police coordination agency said Thursday, Anadolu News Agency reports.

"Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam was the subject of two INTERPOL Red Notices, by Ethiopia and the Netherlands, for migrant smuggling, human trafficking and other related crimes," the France-based agency said in a statement.

Sudan inks $6b UAE deal for new Red Sea port

KHARTOUM, Dec 14 (NNN-NEWVISION) — Sudan signed Tuesday an initial $6b (sh22 trillion) deal led by United Arab Emirates’ AD Ports Group and Invictus Investment to build a vast new Red Sea port and economic zone.

“The massive project, which is estimated to cost around $6b, will give a strong boost to the national economy and will bring countless benefits for the whole country,” said Sudan’s Finance Minister Gibril Ibrahim during the signing ceremony.

Sudan to develop Red Sea port in $6-bln initial pact with Emirati group

KHARTOUM, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Sudan on Tuesday signed a preliminary agreement with a group led by the UAE's AD Ports Group and Invictus Investment to build and operate the Abu Amama port and economic zone on the Red Sea with a $6-billion investment.

The project, located about 200 km (124 miles) north of Port Sudan, would include an economic zone, an airport and an agricultural zone of 400,000 feddans (415,000 acres).

Sudan's rivals sign framework deal for transition

06 Dec 2022; MEMO: Sudan's ruling Military Council and political forces on Monday signed a framework agreement meant to resolve the country's months-long crisis, Anadolu News Agency reports.

The deal was signed by Army Chief, Gen. Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) coalition, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and a number of rebel movements.

Sudanese generals, pro-democracy group sign framework deal

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Sudan’s ruling generals and the main pro-democracy group on Monday signed a framework deal meant to help resolve the country’s crisis and take it to the next elections. However, key dissenters, including some rebel groups and reformists have stayed out of the agreement.

The deal pledges to establish a new, civilian-led transitional government to guide the country to elections and offers a path forward in the wake of Sudan’s stalled transition to democracy following the October 2021 coup.

WFP cuts food aid to Sudan due to funding gap

KHARTOUM, Dec 1 (NNN-Xinhua) — The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) on Wednesday announced the reduction of its food aid to Sudan due to lack of funding.

Reducing the WFP aid to the Sudanese affects life-saving treatment and increases the risk of malnutrition and potential mortality among 50 percent of the 1.7 million severely malnourished children, the WFP said in a press release.

The WFP indicated that it needs nearly 7 million U.S. dollars to continue its activities as usual until the end of this year.

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