Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to establish 3,000 temporary houses for quake victims in Turkiye, Syria

15 Feb 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia plans to establish 3,000 temporary houses for the victims of two deadly earthquakes that jolted Turkiye and Syria last week, Anadolu News Agency reports.

At least 35,418 people were killed and 105,505 others injured in two powerful earthquakes that rocked southern Turkiye on 6 February, according to the latest official figures.

FIFA picks Saudi to host 2023 Club World Cup

15 Feb 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia has been selected to host the 2023 Club World Cup in December, FIFA announced yesterday.

The FIFA Council unanimously voted for the Saudi Arabian Football Federation to stage the event, which includes the six continental champions plus the host's national champions, Reuters reports.

The tournament will take place from 12-22 December.

Huawei to invest 400 mln USD to establish cloud region in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese tech giant Huawei has announced an investment of 400 million U.S. dollars to establish a cloud region in Saudi Arabia.

The announcement was made on Thursday during LEAP 2023, Saudi Arabia's largest and most comprehensive Information and Communications Technology exhibition.

The investment aims to boost Saudi Arabia's digital economy and enable access to more advanced and secure cloud services for government, corporate and individuals, said the company.

OIC holds extraordinary meeting to respond to desecration of holy Quran

Tehran, IRNA – The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has held a meeting to review possible actions against recent cases of desecration of the holy Quran in Europe.

OIC’s extraordinary meeting was held on Tuesday at the organization’s headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia launches free four-day visa

31 Jan 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched an electronic four-day transit visa on Monday for those arriving in the kingdom by air. The visa will be issued free of charge and will last for up to 96 hours.

The new visa service aims to facilitate visits to the kingdom for all purposes, including stop-overs and those wishing to perform Umrah and visit the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah, or attend tourist events.

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