Pakistan: Premature to give reaction on new Afghan caretaker setup: Fawad


ISLAMABAD, Sep 08 (APP): Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain said on Wednesday that it would be premature to give reaction on the caretaker setup announced by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

“We should wait a while, it is not appropriate to comment at this time,” the minister said in an interview with BBC.

To a question, he said it was learned through the media that the CIA chief visited Kabul.

He said that according to media reports, Turkish and Qatari intelligence chiefs were also present in Kabul.

Fawad said in the absence of a formal government there, a framework was needed where both Pakistan and Afghanistan could discuss bilateral issues.

“We have been facing serious problems with Afghanistan, including the expansion of ISIS, the refugees problem and the TTP’s migration from Afghanistan,” he said.

“We have been in talks with the Taliban and Pakistan also facilitated their
talks with the United States,” he said.

Pakistan assisted and evacuated thousands of foreign nationals from Afghanistan which was appreciated by the international community, he said.

The minister said there was no military solution to Afghanistan issue and this was what Pakistan has been trying to convince since 2007. Had Pakistan’s advice been paid heed the situation in Afghanistan today would have been different, he added.

Pakistan lost 80,000 lives due to Afghan war and suffered $150 billion economic losses and India was constantly trying to defame Pakistan through baseless propaganda, Fawad said.

He said that Indian media’s fabricated game show of Pakistan’s participation in the Panjshir fighting was ludicrous and and a malign act.

This fake story was screened in a number of Indian talk shows which proved how marketing agencies were working in India to fulfill their nefarious designs against Pakistan.