Iran Ready To Compensate Ukrainian Families Of Airplane Crash Victims

Ukrainian plane crash

KIEV, Jun 6 (NNN-IRNA) – Iran is ready to pay 150,000 U.S. dollars in compensation, to the Ukrainian families for each victim killed in a passenger airplane, downed near Tehran, the Iranian Embassy in Ukraine said Friday.

“The Iranian delegation announced its readiness to pay compensation to Ukrainian families of those killed in the tragedy, 150,000 U.S. dollars for each victim, following the resolution of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and asked the Ukrainian delegation to bring this information to the notice of relatives of the Ukrainians who passed away,” said the statement, published by the Iranian embassy on its Facebook page, after the third round of talks on the plane crash.

During the negotiations, the parties also discussed a wide range of issues related to criminal proceedings and technical issues, including aviation and flight safety, as well as, Iran’s final report on the tragedy.

The third round of talks between Ukraine and Iran on the Ukraine International Airlines plane downed near Tehran in 2020, took place in Kiev on Jun 2-3.

On Mar 17 this year, Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation published its final report on the Ukrainian passenger plane crash, identifying a “mistake” by the air defence operator as the cause of the incident.

However, Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, criticised the Iranian report, calling it a “cynical attempt” to hide the true reasons for the downing of the plane.

The Ukrainian aircraft, a Boeing 737-800, was hit on Jan 8, 2020, by two missiles shot by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, shortly after it took off from Tehran, killing all 176 people on board.