India: Unfit fodder leads to cattle deaths

 dead cows

Jodhpur, Jan 19 (PTI): A village near here Saturday reported 17 cattle deaths due to food poisoning from fodder that was unfit for consumption, an official said.

The animals were given fodder bought by the villagers from the money they collected during a religious function recently.

Ten cows, six calves and a buffalo perished at different spots in Kaparda village on Saturday morning.

About 100 others were revived by veterinarians sent to the village, sub-divisional magistrate (Bilara) Mukesh Choudhary said.

He said most of the fodder was not fit for consumption and triggered bloating of the animals' stomachs. As the cattle started falling ill, the villagers took the fodder away from them.

The carcasses were disposed of away from the village after post-mortem examinations.

Choudhary said no case has been registered and no foul play suspected.