Israel opposition slams Netanyahu's speech

Yair Lapid

11 Apr 2023; MEMO: The leader of Israeli opposition, Yair Lapid, has said that Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has "lost control" in front of the nation, considering that he leads the most "failed and extremist" government in the country's history, Anadolu News Agency reports.

This came in tweets late Monday, in response to Netanyahu's statements, in which he held the previous government headed by Naftali Bennett and Lapid from 13 June, 2021 until 29 December, 2022 alternately responsible for the deterioration of the security situation in the country.

"While our enemies continue to take precious lives and the blood of our brothers and sisters spills onto the streets, the Prime Minister is losing control in front of the nation," Lapid said.

Since the beginning of the year, 18 Israelis have been killed in individual attacks carried out by Palestinians, while the death toll of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire has risen to 96 since the beginning of the year, in light of the escalation since the Netanyahu government assumed its duties.

Lapid stated "instead of holding press conferences and blaming others for the problems caused by the most extremist and failed government in the country's history, it is time for him (Netanyahu) and his ministers to stop crying and finally take responsibility."

"Cancelling the hasty and scandalous dismissal of Defence Minister (Yaov) Gallant is the right step, and I congratulate him. Now stop complaining and get to work," he said.

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In his speech late Monday, Netanyahu took back his decision to fire Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, who was removed after his call to halt the government's judicial overhaul plan which triggered mass protests.

Opposition says Netanyahu 'unfit' to perform duties

For his part, Bennett said in a tweet that Netanyahu's statements were "shameful and divisive, contrary to what Israel needs."

Former Defence Minister, Benny Gantz, head of the State Camp Political Alliance, commented in a tweet on Netanyahu's statements saying: "Crying does not make leadership".

Former Finance Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, head of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, said: "The Prime Minister's statements tonight prove that the man is unfit to perform the duties of his position, is not responsible for his actions and that he is simply not with us."

In a tweet, Lieberman called on the Likud bloc, led by Netanyahu, to oust the latter from the party leadership.

Also, head of the Labour Party, former Minister of Transportation Merav Michaeli, also commented in a tweet on Netanyahu's speech: "A speech full of lies and incitement from a man who succeeded in pushing the State of Israel into the abyss within three months."

On Monday evening, Netanyahu accused the government of his predecessors, Bennett and Lapid, of handing over gas reserves to the Lebanese Hezbollah group without getting anything in return.

"The previous government signed an agreement with Hezbollah under which it handed over gas reserves to the enemy without getting anything in return," Netanyahu said.

He stated "the previous government pledged to us that the gas agreement with Hezbollah would prevent confrontation with the terrorist organisation, but the exact opposite happened."

Beirut and Tel Aviv have engaged in indirect negotiations since 2020 under the auspices of the United Nations and the mediation of Washington, before an agreement described as "historic" was reached in late October, allowing the two parties to benefit from the gas fields located at the maritime border between them.

In his speech, Netanyahu pledged to restore "Israeli deterrence" and restore calm in East Jerusalem and on the Israeli border, blaming the previous government for the decline in deterrence.