Appeal of Israeli terrorist convicted of murdering Dawabsheh family rejected

Amiram Ben-Uliel

01 September 2022; MEMO: The Israeli Supreme Court of Justice today rejected the appeal of the Jewish-Israeli terrorist, serving three life sentences for the murder of 18-month-old baby Ali Dawabsheh and his parents, Saad and Riham in 2015.

According to Haaretz, the judges in the case unanimously rejected Amiram Ben-Uliel's claim that he was interrogated under torture by the Shin Bet, and that his subsequent confessions and reconstruction were therefore illegal.

In their decision the judges wrote that Ben Uliel's actions were "shocking" and that "their seriousness speaks for itself. No words will reflect the magnitude of the horror."

READ: Dawabsheh living with emotional scars following arson attack

"These actions contradict and conflict with all moral values and Jewish culture, which teaches patience and tolerance. Hatred of members of other religions, as well as racism for its own sake, is not a path of Judaism."

"Courts will show no patience for lawbreakers, especially when the offences are committed with an ideological-racist motive.The murder warrants deep soul-searching in Israeli society," added Justice Yitzhak Amit.

The case of the Dawabsheh family and the arson attack on their home in the village of Duma in the northern occupied West Bank that killed 18-month-old Ali and his parents and left his five-year-old brother Ahmed with second and third-degree burns on more than 60 per cent of his body, is one of the most heinous anti-Palestinian attacks to take place in recent Israeli history.