India: Inter-city Express loco pilot dies of heart attack on duty

Kanpur:  A loco pilot dies of a heart attack at Qasimpur Halt on Friday morning. He was reportedly on duty. He was posted at Head Quarters Partapgarh.

He left with assistant Yogesh Kumar in Inter city Express 14123 from Pratapgarh to Kanpur.

He stepped down the engine after chain pulling at Qasimpur halt to fix the pressure pipe which was reportedly burst during the chain pulling.

Suddenly he felt unsteady and fell down the track. Immediately 108 ambulance took him to Community Health Centre, Fursatganj.

Following a thorough check up the doctor Vinay Kumar Verma declared him brought dead.

Jais Station Master Arvind Sahu said that the deceased loco pilot Girish Chandra Sharma was posted at Head Quarter Pratapgarh. His original residence was Chilbila Pratapgarh.