India: Power supply still remains demanding in Kanpur city

Kanpur: On one side there is hotter weather and on another hand there remains counts of break down and faults.

Despite repairs to the feeder and the felling of tree twigs laden with leaves, the power supply does not remain free from unexpected disruption in the city areas.

The consumption has certainly been increasing in view of the scorching sun, respite does not appear from break down. 

We come across news of shutdown in several sub-stations.

According to KESCO officials, power supply demand has increased due to burning heat, relief is not expected before the onset of rains. The shutdown was taken from half a dozen sub-stations on Saturday.

They further added that somewhere repairs or faults become the cause of trouble. Work continued till late at night in numerous areas. Due to this problem, a population of about seven lakhs was affected.

On Sunday also, a breakdown will be taken in 18 sub-stations. Due to this, a population of about one million is estimated to be affected, it was informed.