UAE official's 'lie' about Erdogan exposed by Al Jazeera

Tayyip Erdogan

23 May 2022; MEMO: The Chief Editor of Al Jazeera Arabic digital content, Ahmad Ashour, has exposed the 'lie' of a UAE official about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan remarks on the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Quds Al-Araby reported on Sunday.

UAE academic Abdel Khaleq Abdullah, a close aide of UAE President Mohammed Bin Zayed, misquoted a tweet from Al Jazeera claiming that Erdogan had disowned the Muslim Brotherhood and felt that he had made a mistake by hosting the movement in Turkey. Ashour replied to Abdullah by saying that the tweet about Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood was "fake and untrue".

He reposted Al Jazeera's original message which was, "Turkey committed a mistake when it accepted Greece's NATO membership and it will not repeat the same mistake."

The fake tweet misquoted by Abdel Khaleq claimed that Erdogan had referred to the Muslim Brotherhood not Greece. Ashour also attached a screenshot of the fake tweet.

The UAE academic, said Al-Quds Al-Araby, is known for his controversial views and tweets in which he supports the UAE president and his country's positions without question. He is said to have revealed that the UAE had exerted a lot of effort to abort the Arab Spring revolutions in the region over the past decade.

"After a decade of hard clashes, the UAE is the winner in the battle against the Muslim Brotherhood's absurdity, and was able to stop expansion of this absurdity across the Arab countries," said Abdel Khaleq. "The UAE has contributed to strengthening the axis of stability and moderation in the face of the forces of terrorism and chaos."

He added that the UAE is currently preparing for more important national and global missions over the next ten years.