Jordan Held Local Elections Amid Strict Measures Against COVID-19


AMMAN, Mar 23 (NNN-PETRA) – Jordan held governorate and municipal council elections yesterday, with strict measures in place, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The final turnout of the local elections was 29.6 percent, with more than 1.36 million votes collected, in 1,850 polling stations across the kingdom, according to a statement released by the Independent Election Commission (IEC).

Precautions were taken to ensure social distancing, and unvaccinated voters were not allowed to cast their ballots, according to the IEC statement.

A total of 4,646 candidates, including 846 women, were competing for the posts of 1,135 representatives across the kingdom, the IEC said, adding, the election results are expected to be released later today.

Jordan’s Public Security Directorate said in a statement that, the polling day went off smoothly, dismissing reports of riots and brawls or the suspension of voting in some areas.