Sudan: Support for normalisation reducing as Israel supports coup leaders

Sudan protests

02 Feb 2022; MEMO: Support of Sudanese academics and elites for normalising ties with Israel has been diminishing due to Israel's support for leaders of the military coup, Sama news agency reported yesterday.

According to the news agency, Israel's public broadcaster, Kan, reported the latest developments in Sudan, noting a wide range of Sudanese started to blame Israel for the ongoing suppression of the anti-coup protests in the country.

Sudan has been living in political turmoil since 25 October when army chief, Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, staged a coup and placed Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok under house arrest.

Kan reported that the Sudanese opposition groups accuse Israel of supporting the Sudanese military with the tools used to suppress their protests or spy on their phones to identify their leaders.

Signs of such support, it added, could be seen in the recent visit by an Israeli security team to Khartoum and had led to support for normalisation falling.