Sudan: US won’t resume aid without civilian government

KHARTOUM, Jan 21 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The US Embassy in Khartoum said on Thursday that Washington would not resume its paused economic assistance to Sudan until violence there comes to an end and a civilian-led government is restored.

As part of broader international punitive measures, the US halted $700 million in emergency assistance since the military coup in October.

US Assistant Secretary of State Molly Phee and special envoy for the Horn of Africa David Satterfield held meetings with Sudanese civil society representatives on Wednesday and Thursday.

The US officials “strongly condemned the use of disproportionate force against protesters, especially the use of live ammunition and sexual violence and the practice of arbitrary detention,” the US Embassy in Khartoum said in Thursday’s statement.

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets again on Thursday to protest the killings of protesters.

Anti-coup protests have rocked Sudan after the military ousted Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

A pro-democracy group of medics has said that at least 72 people were killed — including many by live rounds — during a clampdown by security forces.

The United Nations is launching talks between military and civilian representatives in a bid to resolve the political crisis.

The ruling Sovereign Council — formed by coup leader General Abdel-Fattah Burhan with himself as chairman — has welcomed the UN-led dialogue.

Some protest organizers have rejected the UN offer, while others said they would only participate in the dialogue if the goal is to resume the country’s transition to democracy. Activists have repeatedly said they were not interested in a power-sharing agreement with the military.