Sudan's Sovereign Council hails Turkey's support to country

 Recep Tayyip Erdogan n Abdel Fattah al-Burhan

15 Jan 2022; MEMO: Sudan's Sovereign Council, on Thursday, hailed Turkey's supportive stance toward the country and its keenness to strengthen ties between Ankara and Khartoum, Anadolu News Agency reports.

The Council issued a statement saying its member, Ibrahim Jaber, met earlier in the day with Turkish Ambassador to Sudan, Irfan Neziroglu, and discussed developing and strengthening bilateral relations between their two countries.

Neziroglu briefed Jaber on the outcome of the third Turkish-African Partnership Summit held in Istanbul in December and its effect on developing political, economic, social and cultural ties between Turkey and the African states.

Neziroglu also said that one million doses of coronavirus vaccines will be donated to Sudan in the coming days out of the 15 million doses pledged recently by Turkey to the African continent.

Relations between the two countries have developed since 2002, when the Justice and Development (AK) Party in Turkey took power with a view to strengthening ties with African nations.

Since then, Turkey and Sudan have signed bilateral agreements in many fields and sectors, including education, agriculture, commerce, mining, health services and energy.