Rockets Hit Baghdad Green Zone, Two Wounded


BAGHDAD, Jan 14 (NNN-NINA) – Several rockets yesterday hit the heavily fortified Green Zone that houses the U.S. embassy in central Baghdad, wounding a woman and a child, the Iraqi military said.

“The innocent people in the Green Zone were attacked by several rockets, fired from the Doura neighbourhood in southern Baghdad, targeting headquarters of diplomatic missions, which are protected by the Iraqi forces,” the media office of the Iraqi Joint Operations Command (JOC) said, in a statement.

One of the rockets fell on a school building inside the zone, wounding a woman and a girl, according to the statement.

Meanwhile, an Interior Ministry source said that, the air defence weapons, protecting the U.S. embassy, opened fire on two rockets and blew them up before they could reach their targets, while a third rocket landed on a school building, causing damage.

Earlier this month, Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi called the attacks on Iraqi military bases “absurd,” stressing, the end of the combat mission of the U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq, after their withdrawal from the country.

The latest attack came, as part of a recent series of drone and rocket attacks that targeted the Green Zone and Iraqi army bases, housing U.S. advisers and agencies.