Demonstrations will continue in Sudan against army chief, activists say

Sudan protest against military

07 Dec 2021; MEMO: The Sudanese Professionals Association said yesterday that demonstrations against the actions of army chief, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, will continue throughout December, Anadolu reported.

"The people's revolution will continue until the uprooting of the putschists and their regime, and the establishment of a full transitional civil authority," the association which leads the protest movement said in a statement.

"The forces of the revolution will continue their daily work in diversifying the tools of peaceful resistance, and the million-man processions will continue throughout the month of December until the defeat of the putschists and putting them on fair trials."

According to the statement, security forces have attacked peaceful protesters in a number of cities and used excessive force and tear gas against them.

Thousands of Sudanese took to the streets in the capital Khartoum and other cities yesterday in the latest protests against the October military coup and a subsequent deal that reinstated Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

The protests were called by the Sudanese Professionals Association and the so-called Resistance Committees, which spearheaded the uprising against the regime of Omar Al-Bashir.