Israel, US launch joint military exercise

Israel Iron Dome system

03 Nov 2021; MEMO: Israeli and American special forces began on Monday a two-week joint exercise, the first of its kind between the Israeli army and the US military's Central Command (CENTCOM) since the American outfit included Israel in its area of responsibility earlier this year, Israel's Channel 12 reported yesterday.

"The troops will take part in a multi-branch exercise for two weeks, in which they will train with counter-terrorism forces, commando forces and expose-attack forces, simulating warfare techniques in open areas and urban environments," the Israeli army said in a statement.

The US military said roughly 500 American troops would take part, most of them coming from the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, along with "one logistics battalion detachment, one infantry rifle company, a light armored reconnaissance company, and a [High Mobility Artillery Rocket System] platoon."

Meanwhile, Channel 12 said the training aims to demonstrate the deterrent force against Iran, as well as display the level of cooperation between Israel and the United States.