Netherlands: Crimean museums can file appeal against court’s decision over Scythian gold — lawyer

Scythian gold

AMSTERDAM, October 26. /TASS/: Crimean museums have the option of filing an appeal to the Supreme Court of the Netherlands against the decision on the Scythian gold, the lawyer for the Crimean museums Rob Meijer reported on Tuesday. 

"Luckily, the court has not gone as far as to order the enforcement of its own judgment, which will depend on whether or not Crimean museums will go to Dutch Supreme Court. That possibility is still there," he said.

Meijer stressed that the Scythian Gold collection will remain in Amsterdam’s Allard Pierson Museum until "three months of a cassation appeal period lapsed or pending a cassation ongoing appeal at a Dutch Supreme Court".

The Amsterdam Court of Appeal has ruled that the Scythian Gold collection should be handed over to Ukraine, Presiding Judge Pauline Hofmeijer-Rutten announced on October 26. According to her, the artifacts in question are "part of the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian State" and should be handed over to Ukraine.