Jordan prevents events marking the Prophet's birthday

21 Oct 2021; MEMO: Jordanian authorities refused to issue permissions for events marking the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)'s birthday, Anadolu reported the country's Islamic Action Front saying.

"With pain, we received the reply of the official authorities today [Wednesday], preventing the celebration of the Prophet's birthday," Thabet Assaf, Islamic Action Front spokesman, said.

Muslims celebrate the birthday of the Prophet on the 12th of Rabi' Al-Awwal – the third month of the Islamic calendar, which coincided with 19 October.

Assaf said that the Islamic Action Front had submitted a request to hold the celebration "in the Roman amphitheatre in Amman more than ten days ago."

Commenting on the reply of the authorities, Assaf said: "This is a suspicious step that reveals the reality of the role that decision-makers play to prevent and fight virtue, and at the same time seek to systematically spread vice."

He cited permission for organising the recent "provocative" parties.

Recently, the Jordanian authorities have given permission for organising several parties for Arab singers and allowed large numbers of people to attend them, ignoring COVID-19 protocols which impose restrictions on the number of people allowed to gather in an area.

Assaf said that "this is an intentional approach adopted by the authorities to encourage deviation among the youth, and the increase of crime rate is a witness for this."Jordanian authorities have not issued a response.