Venezuela cuts ties with Colombia

 Hands Off

CARACAS, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced on Saturday severance of diplomatic and political relations with neighboring Colombia, following the latter one's support for Venezuela's right-wing opposition and military defectors.

"I have decided to break off all types of political and diplomatic ties with the fascist government of Colombia," Maduro told a pro-government rally in Caracas.

Colombia's embassy staff must "leave within 24 hours," he added.

So far, the Colombian government has not responded to Maduro's announcement. Colombian President Ivan Duque has repeatedly expressed his administration's support for the opposition and criticized Maduro's government.

Earlier in the day, amid the government's standoff with the opposition over unauthorized humanitarian aid shipments being delivered via Colombia, two people were said to be injured at the Simon Bolivar border crossing. Opposition supporters were at the closed border bridge to press for the delivery of aid.

"Patience has run out. ... We cannot continue to put up with Colombian territory being used for an attack against Venezuela," said Maduro.

Venezuela closed its key border crossings with Colombia and Brazil after rejecting the aid as a pretext for a potential military incursion by foreign troops.