Israel: Bennett will not attend Egypt-Jordan-Palestine summit

Naftali Bennett

02 Sep 2021; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett denied on Wednesday that he is going to attend a tripartite summit for the leaders of Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority to be held today in Cairo.

His office denied reports about his participation, and pointed out that he is not even planning to meet with PA President Mahmoud Abbas in the long term.

"There was no intention to hold a meeting between Bennett and Abbas and no such encounter is expected," said the prime minister's office. "However, President [Abdel Fattah] Al-Sisi invited Bennett to a meeting in Egypt and they will meet soon."

Ynet News reported Bennett as saying last week that the meeting is meant to "strengthen and expand the relations between the countries in the region."

No more details were given about the timeframe of the prospective visit to Egypt, which is scheduled to take place in the resort of Sharm Al-Sheikh.

The heads of state of Egypt, Jordan and Palestine are meeting in Cairo to agree on a message to be sent to the Biden administration. It is expected to include a request to preserve the two-state solution and take practical measures to curb Israel's illegal settlements.