Jordan truck drivers demand Saudi Arabia reverse entry ban

 truck drivers protest in Jordan

08 June 2021; MEMO: Jordanian truck drivers staged a protest in Amman yesterday against a Saudi ban on their entry to the kingdom after a decision to ban older vehicles from entering Saudi came into effect.

In late April it was revealed that Saudi was banning trucks which were manufactured before 2000 or that are more than 21 years old are banned from entering its borders or passing through the kingdom's territories to other Gulf countries.

Jordan's Assabeel newspaper reported truck drivers saying the decision was "oppressive", adding that it was putting the livelihood of 3,400 truck drivers at stake.

This means the Jordanian newspaper said, 3,400 families are possibly losing their income.

Driver Yaser Abu Sabah said that the decision was suddenly implemented, ignoring the damage and losses caused to the drivers and their families.

The new ruling comes after a particularly difficult year for truck drivers as a result of coronavirus closures and measures which saw their incomes drop significantly.