Israel claims that Egypt is biased towards Hamas

07 June 2021; MEMO: Even as the Egyptian-brokered indirect talks between Hamas and Israel are ongoing, Israeli security reports have emerged claiming that Egypt has changed and is now biased towards the Palestinian resistance movement, Sama reported on Sunday.

According to security sources in the occupation state, relations between Egypt and the US administration "have recently improved" and Cairo has started to take positive measures towards the Gaza Strip. The sources cited the opening of the Rafah Border Crossing for people and goods, as well as the entry of heavy construction equipment from Egypt to help in the reconstruction process in the besieged territory.

According to Israel's Walla news site, these measures have been taken even though Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz said that there would be no reconstruction of Gaza or fixed ceasefire without any advance on the issue of a prisoner swap. "Egypt is clearly biased with Hamas and Egyptian officials are looking to make massive financial gains from the reconstruction of Gaza," added the sources.

Sama also reported a tweet by Israeli journalist Amir Bohbot, the military correspondent for Maariv: "Egypt is using Israel's policy related to restricting movement of goods to Gaza in order to push forward the negotiations. Rafah Crossing is open for travellers, goods, equipment, construction material, etc…"

He added that the Karam Abu Salem Crossing, though which Israel controls goods going into and out of Gaza, is beyond the equation. "It will be unnecessary soon," he claimed, "and Nitzana, the crossing which Israel and Egypt use for commercial exchange, will also become unnecessary soon."