Netanyahu leading Israel to 'civil war': Gideon Sa'ar

Gideon Saar

15 Mar 2021; MEMO: Former Likud member and chief of the New Hope Party in Israel, Gideon Sa'ar, has accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of leading the country into a "civil war", Hebrew media reported yesterday.

His remarks came after members of his former party, which Netanyahu heads, attacked a New Hope Party member during an event. The activist, according to the Times of Israel, fainted and was evacuated by an ambulance.

"Netanyahu has completely lost it," local media reported Sa'ar saying. "Bibi [Netanyahu], I'm not afraid of you! In another ten days I'll replace you," he wrote on Facebook.

Ynet reported him saying: "Netanyahu crossed a red line," calling this incident, "a peek of what awaits us as a country if Netanyahu remains prime minister."

Following Sunday's incident, Sa'ar said: "We are not afraid."

He also reiterated his campaign pledge to oust Netanyahu from office in the upcoming elections slated for 23 March.