Russia: Lavrov says construction of new Bushehr units discussed with Iranian counterpart


MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/: Moscow is ready to help Tehran expand the capacity of the operating Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant through construction of more nuclear power units, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday.

"Particularly we discussed cooperation on construction of new power units of the Busher Nuclear Power Plant in Iran and overall welcomed the drive of all our colleagues from the economic block of the governments of the two countries and Russian and Iranian business circles to comprehensively expand multifaceted partnership," he said.

The talks focused on a wide range of issues of cooperation in trade, economic, energy, agriculture, transport and industrial fields, Lavrov said. The sides positively estimated humanitarian and trans-regional ties.

"Of course, we touched upon cooperation on response to the coronavirus infection as well," the minister said. "Respective agencies of the two countries are in contact, and today our Iranian friends said that the partners in Tehran are ready for completion of consultations, which will allow establishing practical cooperation," he added.