Balkans destabilized by US attempts to assert its role there — Putin

MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Attempts of the United States and some other Western nations to assert their dominant role in the Balkan region have become a serious destabilizing factor, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Serbia’s Vecernje Novosti newspaper ahead of his visit to Belgrade.

"As far as the situation in the Balkans is concerned, the policy of the US and some other Western nations aimed at asserting their dominant role remains a serious destabilizing factor here," the Russian leader said, recalling the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and the support of the 2008 unilateral proclamation of Kosovo’s independence.

In 2017, contrary to popular sentiments, Montenegro "was dragged into NATO," Putin added.

"They were too afraid to hold a referendum on this issue. As a result, the country is now going through a period of political instability," Putin said. "Last year, in order to give a boost to the process of Macedonia’s accession to NATO, a project was launched to introduce constitutional amendments and rename the country, to review the basis of Macedonia’s national identity. What is more, the will of Macedonia’s voters was ignored, the referendum on renaming the country failed, but the outside pressure still continues."

NATO division lines

The Russian president said he was surprised by the European Union’s reaction to the Kosovo Parliament’s decision to create a full-fledged army in Kosovo.

"I must admit that we were surprised by the European Union’s fairly passive reaction to the Kosovo ‘parliament’ decision to transform the Kosovo security forces into a full-fledged army. It’s absolutely evident that Serbs living in this province will treat this move as a direct threat to their security. And, on a wider perspective, it is prone with serious risks of increasing tensions in the region," he said.

"Turning a blind eye to such unilateral actions, which constitute a serious breach of the international law, can hardly be in EU interests. Especially if Brussels expects to continue acting as a mediator in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," Putin went on.

"We have also repeatedly said that we viewed the course toward NATO expansion as a Cold War remnant, an erroneous and destructive military and political strategy," Putin added. "Today, the alliance is trying to strengthen its presence in the Balkans. However, this only recreates the division lines on the European continent and blatantly violates the principle of indivisible security."

"Eventually, instead of promoting stability, this will undermine trust and fuel tensions in Europe," he said.

Area for cooperation

According to the Russian leader, Moscow has always realized the complexity of the situation in the Balkan region and its turbulent history, but considers to view it as an area of constructive cooperation.

"At present, Russia has many friends here, and our strategic partner Serbia holds a special place here," Putin said. "That’s why our prime objective is to assist in strengthening the regional security and stability. We have always called for respecting the rights and interests of Baltic nations and peoples, and for observing the international law.".