Two Russians killed in coalition’s airstrike in Syria

GROZNY, January 4. /TASS/. An international coalition’s airstrike targeting the militants of the Islamic State terrorist group (outlawed in Russia) has killed a resident of Chechnya’s Nadterechny District Khava Akhyadova, 35, and a four-year-old boy in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, Kheda Saratova from the civil society and human rights council under the Chechen president told TASS on Friday.

"Women and children die there," she said, naming Khava Akhyadova who "died today," leaving "five girls without parents." Saratova added that a four-year-old boy, a grandson of a woman from Dagestan, was also killed. According to the activists’ data, those killed by the airstrike were Russian nationals.

"The atmosphere is very strained there now, there is no humanitarian corridor, while those suffering are women and children who are used by bandits as human shield," Saratova’s aide Zalina Tatayeva told TASS. "Everyone is asking for a humanitarian corridor to be provided at least to women and children," she noted, adding that activists will be standing up for opening of humanitarian corridors and saving civilians.