Man arrested after allegedly attempted car-ramming attack against anti-Netanyahu protesters

Anti Netanyahoo protest in Isael

JERUSALEM, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- Man was arrested Sunday after allegedly attempting to ram his car at a Jerusalem rally to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the coronavirus crisis, the police said.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said in a statement that the suspect speeded his vehicle at a police roadblock. Rosenfeld added that the suspect was arrested at the scene and taken for questioning.

"He drove in a crazy speed towards the rally. He slammed on the brakes only a second before colliding with police barricades," an eye witness told Israel's state-owned Kan TV news.

Channel 2 TV news reported that "thousands" of Israelis rallied outside the prime minister's official residence in Jerusalem for a weekly protest against Netanyahu.

The protesters call the long-time leader to resign over his criminal trial, in which he faces corruption charges in three separate cases.

Netanyahu and his government have been under growing public anger over their failure to prevent the resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic in Israel and a growing economic crisis.

Last Friday, a second national lockdown has been imposed in Israel in an attempt to halt the rapid spread of the virus.