Myanmar gov't plans to send youth volunteers for COVID-19 fight in western state

YANGON, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar government has been planning to send youth volunteers to help combat COVID-19 in Rakhine state, where number of infections are rocketing recently, according to a release from the Information Ministry on Tuesday.

The volunteers will be assigned in shifts to take part in fight against the COVID-19 in the state, the release said.

On Sunday, a total of 24 volunteer healthcare professionals, along with medical equipment were sent to provide medical assistance in Rakhine state, the Health and Sports Ministry's release said.

Union Health Minister Dr. Myint Htwe, in a recent video conferencing with the country's Youth Affairs Committee members, called for the active participation of youth volunteers from across the country in the process of curbing the spread of COVID-19 in Rakhine state, which is being carried out by the government.

Myanmar detected one new local transmission again in Sittwe township of Rakhine state on Aug. 16 since the last local case was reported on July 16.

From Aug. 16 to late Monday, number of locally transmitted case of COVID-19 rocketed to 81 in Rakhine state in eight days, causing panic among locals.

"At this time, people in Rakhine state wish to leave the state. They think they will have more safety outside of the side. Once you are infected, it does not matter where you go, the infection will be carried by you," said State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, in her message to the public late Monday, adding that the COVID-19 virus is not incurable and the earlier the virus is detected, the more effective the treatment is.

"Please don't treat the spread of the disease in Sittwe with panic, but with the firm conviction that we will surely overcome these issues," Suu Kyi said.

According to the findings by the Health and Sports Ministry, markets are the primary source of the infection, the state counsellor said.

A Stay-at-Home order and a two-month nighttime curfew have been recently imposed in Sittwe township.

COVID-19 was first detected in Myanmar on March 23 this year and 474 laboratory confirmed cases were reported so far while the death toll stands at six, the ministry's figures said.