Urgent Arab League urgent meeting to discuss Israel plan to annex West Bank

 Arab league

28 April 2020; MEMO: The Arab League will on Thursday hold an urgent virtual meeting to discuss Israeli plans to annex illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, Wafa News Agency reported yesterday.

In a statement, Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League, Hossam Zaki, said that the meeting will discuss various ways of providing political, legal and financial support to the Palestinian leadership to confront the Israeli plans.

They will also discuss ways to empower the Palestinian government to face the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the aggressive Israeli measures as well as Israel’s seizure of Palestinian tax revenues.

Zaki added, according to Wafa, that Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit held contacts during the past few days, especially with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Aboul-Gheit warned of the danger of the Israeli approaches to use global concerns over the coronavirus to establish a new status quo, annexing parts of the occupied Palestinian territories and declaring Israeli sovereignty over them.

Aboul-Gheit also called on the UN to assume its responsibilities with regards the Israeli move.