Taliban attack kills 4 Afghan police in northern Kunduz province

Mohammad Yusuf Ayubi

KUNDUZ, Afghanistan, March 5 (Xinhua) -- Four Afghan police were killed after the Taliban militants stormed a security checkpoint in Imam Sahib district of the northern Kunduz province on Thursday, head of the provincial council Mohammad Yusuf Ayubi said.

According to Ayubi, the armed insurgents attacked a security checkpoint in Bakhmal Kucha area of the restive district early morning, killing four police and wounding two others.

The governor of Imam Sahib district Mahboubullah Sayedi has confirmed the incident without providing details.

The violent incidents had drastically decreased during a seven-day reduction in violence agreed by the Taliban on Feb. 22, followed by the U.S.-Taliban peace deal inked on Feb. 29 to end the war in Afghanistan and pave the way for a withdrawal of the U.S. forces.

However, Taliban militants, according to local media reports resumed fighting shortly after the deal was signed and began clashing with Afghan security forces.

At least 19 Afghan security personnel and several Taliban militants were killed in the northern Kunduz and the neighboring Takhar and Baghlan provinces on Wednesday.