Russian, Turkish parliamentary committees to discuss cooperation

MOSCOW, November 8. /TASS/. Russian State Duma's committee on international affairs will hold a joint session on Thursday together with Turkish Grand National Assembly's foreign policy commission.

Head of the Duma's committee Leonid Slutsky said that the session will be held in the framework of the Turkish delegation's visit to Moscow. The delegation is represented by the Turkish parliament's international affairs commission and its head Volkan Bozkir. According to Slutsky, the sides "plan to discuss the role of parliaments in developing Russian-Turkish cooperation at the current stage."

"There are many things that we agree on, and many things we continue to disagree on. All these issues concern Syrian settlement, launching a constitutional process in Syria, as well as the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and generally creating strong security architecture on the Eurasian continent. Turkey is a very important player here," Slutsky noted.

He added that Russia and Turkey continue developing their strategic partnership. "Constructive progress is seen in all spheres of cooperation, no matter how difficult the discussions are," he said.

Turkey's Ambassador to Moscow Huseyin Dirioz said earlier that Ankara notes with satisfaction the development of inter-parliamentary contacts with Russia.